Family Session Galleries

Baby Photos in Vernon, BC
March 22, 2017 / Family PhotosWe all know what you're here for. Large gallery of baby photos from this shoot at the bottom of the page. :-D Right click to save, but please remember to give Draht Photography image credit. Enjoy. :-...
The Family Shoot at Soverign Lake
December 24, 2016 / Family PhotosSovereign Lake has always been one of my favourite places to shoot, ever since I first discovered it. Plenty of skiers, perfect snow, and friendly staff make every winter session I shoot here perfect....
A Few Family Photos
July 26, 2016 / Family Photos READ MORE
Family Photos at Polson Park
June 17, 2016 / Family PhotosThis photographer LOVES Polson Park. It's right at the entrance of Vernon, off Highway 97 as you come into the city. Truth be told, there's nothing else much like it. In Kelown...
Melissa’s baby
June 16, 2016 / Family PhotosMelissa had a baby. I stopped by to say hi and also to make a baby burrito out of blankets.
Kelowna Cake Smash
May 16, 2016 / Family PhotosI love photographing a good cake smash! And how they've caught on in the past 6 years. A decade ago, and I didn't hear too much about them. Now we talk about them all the time! There's different...