August 21, 2021 / Uncategorized
The Mabel Lake Airstrip Wedding Sampler

This is the first wedding I’ve ever photographed on an airstrip. To be honest, I didn’t know the sleepy little town of Mabel Lake had an airstrip, but here we are. In a little campground, up in the mountains, in the Okanagan. Just where I love to be.
We’ll start with the details – I found some birch, and like War and Peace, I obsessed over it.

And the day began, quickly. In the woods, we had a groom waiting to see his bride for the first time. Both of them had hand-written vows, a private moment between them.

We wiped away a few tears, and made our way to the airstrip. The chairs had been set up, and guests were arriving. You could see the mountains in the distance, a beautiful place for a ceremony.

And of course, on an airstrip, we found a plane.

We made time for the bridal party too! They were very exciting shots.

This is where I’ll have to leave you, though.

There’s some really cool moments here. A beautiful day, some pretty hilarious candids, and some spectacular views.

This is just a sampler, a few photos from the day for those guests who couldn’t make it, and for those guests that did and told me how excited they are for these photos.

If you’d like to be notified once the album is approved, click here. Once the images are all looked over, they’ll send you an invite.

Thank you for reading this far! If you’d like to follow my adventures, follow my facebook or instagram! If you’d like to save any of these photos, simply long-press on them and that should do the trick. Chat with you in a week!