March 28, 2019 / Photography Lessons
Vernon Photography Classes in the Caetani Centre
Draht Photography is thrilled to announce round 16 of photography classes in the Vernon Caetani Centre. These classes have been immensely popular in the past, with many rounds selling out. Because of my busy shooting schedule, I can only offer one or two rounds a year.
We start at the absolute beginning – how to properly clean and care for your equipment, and go into well known and sometimes fairly obscure compositional tools. The focus is on composition – creating compelling photos that get noticed.

To join, you must have a camera with interchangeable lenses – if you haven’t bought a second lens yet, or you’re not sure which lens works for your goals, you’ll know after the third class. To join the Advanced class, you must have already completed the beginner class.

To join, click the link here. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a text message at 250-550-6077. Because of my busy shooting schedule, I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to answer any calls, but I will respond to your text as soon as I can!

As you can see above, the difference between a cell phone and a regular camera are completely apparent. A cell phone will oversharpen, making skin and hair look rough, it has barrel distortion, making noses and foreheads elongated. It has to guess the skin tone, and it usually gets it wrong, either making skin too yellow or too orange. The lens compression will making the background look fairly busy.

These classes are for everyone – parents who would like to create pictures worth framing of their family growing up. Folks who want to preserve memories, creative types looking for an outlet, and beginners who are aren’t sure how to turn their cameras on.
We’ve heard amazing success stories from marketers that want to grow their brand on social media, and real estate agents who want to create compelling photos that generate follows and shares.

This isn’t a one day workshop where we find a beautiful model, and your photos turn out amazing. We go into all sorts of compositional situations – dark days, shade, posing, sunsets, action photos, house photography, families and newborns. I absolutely keep nothing back in these lessons. If you’re interested in four weeks that will change the way you photograph forever, hit bit.ly/PhotoClassesVernon and sign up today!