July 3, 2022 / Sampler
The Sunny Truck Packing House Wedding Sampler

It was the sunniest of Saturdays in Kelowna, and the longest day of the year. This wedding took us from a waterfront hotel, to an old nut farm, and finishing up in the historic Laurel Packing House. I guess you could say we packed it full! I will be reusing that joke later.

We start with the details. The Grand tends to be fantastic for weddings because there’s so much to work with. If you’re a visitor to Kelowna, a walk along the lake is a must!

Nearby, the guys were getting ready. Helping each other with ties, and before too long we were ready for the first look.

Back at the girls, we were nearly ready as well!

We picked a quaint little park in the middle of Kelowna. Fortunately, everyone was at the beach, so we had it all to ourselves.

We made our way to Gellatly Nut Farm, with this wild crew!

And lets take a moment to admire these florals!

This was a little bit different of a setup – we had decided to take some photos before the ceremony, so there would be a bit more time to mingle. If there’s plenty of shade, it means some bright photos! Fortunately, those nut trees at Gellatly are quite tall, and offered plenty of shade.

Trucky 59 was all set up, and it was stunning. Michelle from Joie And Lux made sure every detail was perfect.

A quick group shot, some cider, and we were on our way to pack full Laurel Packing House!

It was absolutely stunning – the florals, the candles in the old packing house museum. We were absolutely floored.

Unfortunately, this is where I’ll have to leave you.

It was a party like you wouldn’t believe. The speeches, the slow first dance, and 100 other moments that would fill an album.

Thank you for viewing this little sneak peek! Well, it’s over 50 photos, so I wouldn’t say little.

If you’d like to be notified when this album is done, sure! Click here!

If you’d like to follow along, give me a visit on instagram, facebook, or tumblr! Thank you for reading!