June 16, 2016 / Photography Tips family
Vernon Photo Lessons & Family Photos
What a crazy week! Finished off the Durali Villa Wedding, half way through the Chilean Mexico Wedding, and just finished the photo walk, Melissa’s baby Photos, and another family shoot at Polson Park.
I’ve been scheduling a lot of my shoots for 8:30 am – it’s still nice and cool outside, so we have happy babies. As you can tell, I love the glassy shadows coming in through the trees. However, that limits me to 8am, and 8pm. Most toddlers are starting to fall asleep by 7, and by eight they’re completely out. At the very least, they’re a little cranky, so it’s morning shoots for this photographer! I don’t mind it one bit. I get up with the sun, go have some coffee, and do what I love to do the most. Hang out with adorable dressed up babies while nerding out with all the latest camera gear.
Secondly, besides one last photo walk tomorrow, we’re all finished this round of Photography Lessons! A HUGE thank you to all the students that signed up and made it. As always, the response has been overwhelming. I personally just love spreading the knowledge of how easy and fun it is to take pictures. For the beginner class, we focusing on rules of depth. Advanced class, it was all about the flash use.
We saw a lot of nice cameras, and even flashes!
Some of the students brought their kids and their friends, making for some really amazing photos. Photo walks are meant to be as big as possible – the more the merrier! You simply have to know a current student, or be a previous student, to be invited.
Photos lessons are resuming in October. As much as I’d love to run them all year long, I’m a photographer first, and a teacher second. If you’d like to be notified of the next round, simply drop me a note with your email and I’ll put you on the wait list. The sooner the better!
Melissa had her baby a week ago. Because it was a c-section, she had to spend some time in the hospital. As soon as she was out, I showed up at her front doorstep to take some photos.
They tend to go pretty quick, as all babies really like to do is sleep and eat, not unlike me. That’s probably why we have such a close connection. To see the full gallery, click here.
And lastly, the Durali Villa wedding is up on the blog. Pop by http://bit.ly/1Yo2HtZ to see the goods.
We even take some photos in an abandoned church. Yes, I couldn’t believe it either, but here they are! On my memory card!
Thanks everyone for reading this far. I really, really do love to take photos and I consider myself lucky to have you follow along with me on this journey. Stay tuned for Monday – I’ll have the Mexico wedding finished on Saturday, and it’ll be up on the blog on monday. I’ll talk to you then!
Between now and then, consider following my instagram, facebook, tumblr, and twitter. Or drop me a line by clicking here, and schedule your own shoot! See you soon!